Sunday, November 15, 2009

Loving the Toddlers in Peru- if you dream it, it will come. - Oct 26

Dearest Katie, Meg, Logan, the Tony, Em, Mom, special gang and loved friends:

well nobody can say that dreams don´t come true.. you will remember that when i first got here i was a little saddened by the fact that my project was at the boys orphanage.. turning that around really fast, i realized that i was given this job for big reasons and this has proved true. with time being somewhat long before Thanksgiving, probably because I was simply missing all of you and feeling lonely, i asked if i could take on a second project and despite all odds (not speaking spanish well) i was accepted at Maria´s facility.

for the first week i worked with the babies . .. newborns, premies, and up to about 10 months old.. with those little ones i rocked, fed, hugged, played and loved them.. you will remember there is a two month old there under constant care with oxygen and heart troubles and a hernia and it has created a little stress to say the least with the one nurse/helper...

in a second section of this home.. is a room full of toddlers... they are the little ones walking.. about a foot and a half tall ages 1.5 to 3 but looking about 1 year old from Canada in size.. on tuesday i was asked to help Karen. gladly. i get there about 3.. the toddlers are just getting up from an afternoon sleep. there are nine.. yes nine. and Karen. tell me she isn´t a miracle worker!
she getting them set up for the potty training - the bathroom is close by and in it are two toilets, a shower base with drain, two sinks, mirror and rows of little potties all different they get organized .. pee.. she brings them back to me to diaper.. now this is peru.. diapers are a little different.. a cloth (like a teatowel with red stripes at the top) folded in three, that is wrapped in a plastic cover that looks like two triangles that tie together in the corners.. thinking i know what i am doing i diaper a bunch of those little ones and get them settled at next stage... around a circular table with small chairs similar to what Dad made for kindergarden when i was little.. so one at a time i get them set up.. she continues on her mission ..

there is no way those little guys will listen to me.. they are all over the place.. diapers, pants.. bibs. chairs in chairs out.. at the radio.. climbing to the window, banging on the window.... the pace is wild!! what am i getting myself into ..

anyway she comes in and sweeps into action.. food arrives and they all take their places around the table.. bibs fast motion she flings the food onto the table.. solo solo solo ... passes me the food to feed one.. then another ... i can manage two at one.. some are cryng..she commands something in spanish... soon i will have her words but not today....

ok now.. what is that?? hot dogs.. fried hotdogs.. they love them.. ok that finished.. on with the coats... no that one is fredericks... she points alot to me..and then to them .. we are figuring each other out... down we go to the play room .outside in the courtyard.

everyone goes backward... scoot, scoot.. three, four at a time and then into the glass room with the mirrors and slides and music.
she is pure energy... i humm along but she sings at full tilt. .she is fabulous! perfect person for these kids... and can she keep them in line.. i become an ok backup to the strays and bring them back into the 8 by 8 space where she is jumping and making motions.. it is hot in this glass room and the kids are layered like it is winter in Canada with no heat in the house!

time passes and she looks at her watch and we whirlwind upstairs.. the kids fly to every corner of the house.. finally they scoot upstairs on all fours... next step.. coats off. . pajamas on.. so one layer of top comes off.. bottoms off, shoes off, new tops on, diapers as necessary, pj bottoms and shoes back on.. then around the table they go... nine of them remember... on with the bibs, stay in your chairs.. then comes the food again.... good food.. stews and rice.. same system.. solo solo solo... i feed one and two and move on... i make a game with one little one who won´t eat and her sidekick.... they go absolutely along we me... uno , dos, tres. grande.. and in goes a big spoonfull.. this works better that forcing a grand load in when it is unwanted.. right? anyway we get things in pretty good harmony.. drink the milk.. drink the tea. yes tea!! at two... and time for potty... etc..

the first night with them i simply got this far but by wednesday i was on full patrol which meant i was in the bathroom with the nine of them... trying to keep them from scooting all over with their little feet and keeping them from getting on and off their designated thrones... anyway.. they did their business and then karen motioned can i brush their teeth, wash their faces and hands and fix their hair.. she would diaper and tuck them in... ok....

so the potty thing isn´t fun but the washing up well that was awesome.. they tilt their heads back so that the toothbrush can do its´ business and they just giggled away like it was the best game in the world. and it was.. teeth. then wipe their entire face with water with my hand ..soft little cheeks and noses get clean.. slippery water.. soft skin.. little open mouths and tiny hands with squeezy fingers full of bubbles.. fun too. we dry up. then fix up their hair.. beautiful little people.. perfect.. sparkly eyes.. this is a nice part of the day.. but wheewww was i tired...

anyway wednesday and thursday i was there til about 7:30 and i am not really sure that my back will take it.. despite the loving..
because of course diapering babies is only fun when you blow on their tummies and kiss their feet and hands.. and to do this you pretty much have to bend over...

nite all. happy to have all our babies to look forward to.. yeah!!!!!! i love you and miss you.

love mom, me....

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