Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Babies I am Loving in Peru- Nov 15

Dearest Logan, Meg, Kate, Tony, Em, Bryan, Marvelous Mom, Family of my Dreams and Fabuloso Friends,

Today is my day for coffee and company.. and you are it!!!

Life continues to be busy and i have squeezed in some "rounding my life out" in the company of fantastic friends who are a young hip crowd that has gathered from around the world. ..Austrailia, the US, Holland, England and Korea. my mind just got opened to this amazing world and i am convinced it is full of goodness.

these are fascinating growing times. it is not complicated. tell the truth. be honest with yourself. take your time. listen. to yourself and others. it doesn´t have to happen this moment. the stars line up when they line up. accept things. go down the river and when it feels like you are going up the river, turn around. love deeply. forgive quickly. dreams come true. yes, kids it is advice time from mom. not that i am wise like you mom and aunt jo, but i am figuring some things out floating downstream.

last week i spent with the babies... and i have appreciated the physical break from the 9 little toddlers.. my back is not what it used to be. so i have been sitting on those 2 inch foam mats and feeding, rocking and jiggling them on my knee. i am sure to tuck into that curved red support typically for the babies to help them stay upright. well it is a God send for my back. Ayde and Fredrico and one other little gaffer are smiling and those twinkling black eyes beam joy. each one gets all the time he or she needs and the moments of crying babies in that room is realively non existent.

juan alex, continues to fight me when fed despite new positioning from knee to between two knees sitting. he doesn´t have the swallowing concept down so just because he is plump doesn´t mean he is ready. he is built like you were brady and just as solid.. i am sure you had the strongest bones in the family when you were little!
so that is juan.. i call him alex. he has whispy hair and light skin, totally gets the rattle and loves one in each fat little hand. he sits well and only on occasion falls sideways. a task to jiggle but it happens whenever it needs to happen. in the pictures Alex has the whispy hair and plump cheeks.

Ayde is my smiler. she is lovely with cinnamon coloured skin and wide apart peruvian eyes. she has more hair than i have ever seen, and like you meg it carries down her forehead. i love her to pieces too. she is about 2 months old is growing like a weed totally devouring her bottle in moments.. she still flops over when she is burped and rarely complains about life. on thursday she was taken to the hospital with the runs but i am sure she will be fine and back in good hands soon..there is a series of smile pictures attached which you will love.

Andres is a beauty boy about the same age as Ayde. he is handsome and beginning to smile too. the other day my favorite young nurse who is very interested in learning english and is patient with my spanish was doing the routine nails clipped , hair inspected , baby over knee part of the day. she is picking flakes from andres hair when she finds a live louse!!! andres is two months old! we both meet eyes to eyes!! she keeps inspecting.. i immediately think i must have this from the orphanage!!! we inspect all the babies.. only andres... i tell her please inspect me because those kids are all over me every day and i easily could have brought it here... to my relief i am lice free!!.

thank goodness.
i learn that Andres is from a very poor family in a small village. His mother recently died, he has been here for the month that i have been here, and he has five other siblings.. to my joy, his father visits him and he is just in temporary placement while the dad figures things out.

another little soul, who arrived a week ago friday was dropped at a church. she is 30 days old and very small. reminds me of you kids when you were about a week old. she is fair skinned with whispy hair and has long long fingers..which she will grow in to. i am not sure of her name yet..she is lovely. drinks eagerly, doesn´t cry like the night we got her.. bare skinny legs, frantic movements and terrified cries...

in the span of four hours there are some moments that are still and one day i just breathed and closed my eyes til i almost fell asleep.. baby in arms. there is so much to look at that my mind doesn´t travel far.. it is kind of like holding a soul because these babies are so perfect and all they need is love. i constantly kiss those fat cheeks and play mommy till they giggle or smile and i love them completely.. passing them on when they have an explosion of ka ka.
ha! it is a soft wonderful time and i am thriving in it.

part of the glory of this is that these babies are in wonderful care. they are treasured. they are clean and full. and mostly they are loved by all the workers. if any of you have would like to adopt a baby or child from Peru this place would be perfect. i am not sure of the proceedure but i will get some help in the translation if you would like to know.

this is happy work. it cannot be rushed. each soul gets his or her time. there is lots of love to go around and no need to rush home for supper.

these pictures are for you to share the joy. loving them up for all of you. in the meantime love yours and best to you sarah and chris as you wait for your new arrival. can´t believe that little one is almost here! yeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!

love mom, me.. ..

ps Sarah , have some of your Gramma´s apple dumplings if that baby is taking too long. my best and huggsss to you. thinking good thoughts.

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